Transistor base emitter collector identification 2n3055
Transistor base emitter collector identification 2n3055

transistor base emitter collector identification 2n3055

This is the measured breakdown voltage with the Base-Emitter open: The measured breakdown voltage is 110V.

transistor base emitter collector identification 2n3055

Here are the test results: This is the measured breakdown voltage with the Base-Emitter shorted: The breakdown voltage is 340V. The highest voltage is with the base-emitter shorted, the lowest voltage is with the base-emitter open. Bipolar transistors have a different breakdown voltage, depending on the base connection. Fortunately, I have a Tektronix 576 Curve tracer, so I checked the transistors before using them. I have reported the item and several other items to eBay as being counterfeit, but as of now no action has been taken. This loophole allow the sale of counterfeit parts to persist without warnings in the feedback system. It is like this transaction never existed. The catch is that I can not provide any feedback now on eBay. The buyer may not sell the item on eBay or elsewhere." I got the refund, from the seller, very quickly. In such instances, we refund the buyer for the full cost of the item and original shipping, and the seller reimburses us for the refund. The buyer agrees to cooperate with us to ensure the proper disposal of the item. Ebay policy: "If a buyer suspects that an item is counterfeit, and there are strong indicators that the item is counterfeit, we don't require the buyer to return the item to the seller. Hi group, I have to report that I was victim of a fake transistor scam on eBay.

Transistor base emitter collector identification 2n3055